Genre/Tag CSV

The documentation on this page also applies to the tag csv using -OpenTags.

Javinizer can utilize a csv file of genres/tags to replace them with a genre/tag of your choice.

Javinizer -OpenGenres

The default file Javinizer uses is the jvGenres.csv file located in the root module folder. Javinizer can use a custom path defined by the location.genrecsv setting.

It is enabled by the following settings:

  • location.genrecsv - If blank, this will point to the file located within your module root directory.

  • sort.metadata.genrecsv

A default genre csv file is included with Javinizer which will replace Javlibrary genres with their R18 counterparts.

For example, if your jvGenres.csv file looks like this:

  • Any scraped genre that equals Blow will be replaced with Blowjob

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