Install Javinizer (CLI)

Install Module Dependencies

Download the versions appropriate for the operating system you are installing on

PowerShell Core (Required)

PowerShell Core (Version 6+) is required for use of the Javinizer module. I recommend using the latest stable release of PowerShell 7.

You can find the download/installation binaries for PowerShell 7 here.

Python 3 (Required)

Python 3 is required for the use of some features of the Javinizer module:

  • Image cropping (Poster Image)

  • Text translation

  • CloudFlare scraping (deprecated)


You can find the download/installation binaries for Python 3.8.6 here.

Python needs to be added to your system PATH. Select the "Add Python 3.8 to PATH" checkbox during installation. After installing Python, you will need to install three Python modules via pip.

Open an administrator PowerShell or CMD console and run the following command.

pip install pillow
pip install googletrans==4.0.0rc1
pip install google_trans_new


Follow install instructions for your specific Linux distribution. Javinizer calls all Python commands on Linux using python3 and modules will need to be installed using pip3.

pip3 install pillow
pip3 install googletrans==4.0.0rc1
pip3 install google_trans_new

MediaInfo (Optional)

MediaInfo (CLI) is required for the use of some features of the Javinizer module:

  • Parse media file metadata (resolution, etc.)


You can find the download/installation binaries for MediaInfo here.

  • The MediaInfo executable will need to be added to your system PATH. Generic instructions here.

Install the Javinizer module

The recommended method to use Javinizer is installing the module via PSGallery. For power users, downloading releases manually or importing the module may be your choice instead.

Install via PSGallery

Run PowerShell 7 as administrator.

Install the module via the Install-Module command and then restart your shell.

Install-Module Javinizer

Import the module into your shell manually

Download the latest release or clone the repository and extract the files to a directory of your choice.

Run PowerShell 7 and run the following command:

Import-Module .\Javinizer\Javinizer.psm1

To check if Javinizer is successfully installed or imported

Run PowerShell 7 and run the following command:

Javinizer -v

Last updated