Install Javinizer (Web GUI)
The web GUI version of Javinizer may not be updated at the same rate as the CLI version. The GUI version is still somewhat of a proof-of-concept using PowerShell Universal, so I still recommend the CLI version over the GUI.
Docker is the preferred method for installing and running the Javinizer Web GUI. The Javinizer image lives on Docker Hub. After installing, you will need to follow the steps below to import the Javinizer dashboard. Note: If you are using Docker on a Synology NAS, you will likely need to create the container from the commandline. View the full discussion here.
To quickstart, run the following command and then follow instructions to import the Javinizer dashboard.
Persisting Data
You will most likely want to persist application and settings data when running Javinizer within Docker.
Your sort input and output paths should be using the same bind mount, otherwise moving files between them will take an extended amount of time.
Docker Run Example
To persist application data, bind mount the directory:
To persist your settings file, create a copy of the settings file and bind mount the file:
To persist other settings files, set paths in your location settings.
Docker Desktop Example
If you are using Docker Desktop, you will want to make use of "File Sharing". In your Docker Desktop settings, add your mount directories and click Apply & Restart.
With the example path of C:\javinizer\docker
, I can now run the following command to persist the PowerShell Universal appdata:
Unraid Example
If you want to use Javinizer via Docker on Unraid, here is an example template.
The Javinizer GUI can be installed on Windows. As there isn't a one-click solution for this, you will need to follow the below steps to install.
Install Dependencies
You will need to install the Javinizer CLI dependencies. View the instructions on the Install Javinizer (CLI) page for details. This includes:
PowerShell Core
Python 3
googletrans module
google_trans_new module
pillow module
MediaInfo (optional)
After installing the Javinizer module dependencies, run PowerShell as administrator and run the following command to install the PowerShell Universal application and dependencies.
Once this installation has completed and both PowerShell and Python modules are installed, run the following command to open the GUI page.
The -OpenGUI
command will by default open a page tohttp://localhost:<PORT>/dashboard
. You will need to navigate to http://localhost:<PORT>/admin
and import the Javinizer dashboard. The default port is 8600.
Import the Javinizer dashboard
After installing PowerShell Universal and all dependencies, follow these steps to import the Javinizer dashboard.
Navigate to http://localhost:<PORT>/admin
. You should be presented with a sign-in screen to the admin portal. Sign in with the following credentials:
Username: admin
Password: 123 (any password works here)
Click on the Dashboard -> Dashboards in the PowerShell Universal admin portal sidebar. Click on the Import
button on the Dashboards page.
Enter the following details in the Import Dashboard popup and click Ok
/dashboard (Any value of your choice)
UniversalDashboard [3.1.5]
The -OpenGUI
command defaults to the URL /dashboard
so I advise you not to change it.
UniversalDashboard [3.1.5]
After importing your dashboard, you should be able to click the "Start" or "View" buttons on your imported dashboard to view.
Use Network Paths
If the files you want to sort live on a network path in Windows, it is likely that you will need to re-mount your network drives within an admin scope.
Run PowerShell or CMD as administrator and run the following command to mount your network drive. Substitute g:
for the drive letter of your choice.
If you are still unable to see your network drive after mounting via an administrator prompt, you can mount your drive directly from the Admin tab in the Javinizer GUI.
Add PowerShell 7 Environment
If your PowerShell Universal did not automatically detect your PowerShell 7 installation, you can add it manually.
Navigate to the PowerShell Universal admin page
On the sidebar, navigate to Settings -> Environments
Click the Add button
Fill in the Name and Path entries and click OK
Last updated