Javinizer will by default attempt to clean the filenames of downloaded files and match them to their Movie ID which normally appears in the form of ID-###.
To reduce the likelihood of false matches, Javinizer requires that the filename match is exactly the ID that appears on the scraper source.
For example, ABP-420.1080p.mp4 will be automatically cleaned to ABP-420 when matching. This must exactly match the movie ID ABP-420 that is displayed on your selected scrapers.
In some cases, the default file matcher will fail to match the file due to edge case filenames or the ID listed on the scraper source does not follow the standard ID format. In these cases, you will likely need to sort using the -Url or -Strict parameters.
The -Strict parameter works by forcing the matcher to ignore the default filename cleaning logic and use the exact filename.
For example:
Javinizer -Path .\ABP-42.mp4 will automatically clean the file ID to ABP-420
Javinizer -Path .\ABP-42.mp4 -Strict will use the filename as the ID as ABP-42
One thing to keep in mind is that -Strict will not support multi-part sorting due to the nature of how it matches the filename exactly.
Display the file matcher output
In some cases, you may be wondering what the filenames are being matched to. To do this, you can use the built-in Get-JVItem function to output the files in a directory of your choice.
First, run this command to define your $settings variable with your current Javinizer settings: